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Hi! This tutorial is on how to gain free, legal, amazon servers, for no charge at all. 

For this you'll need:

• A debit card or credit (Just use fake name generator or I suggest going to a 7/11 or CVS and buying a prepaid visa card and add like $1 to it) THEY WILL NOT CHARGE YOU UNLESS YOU CREATE ANY SERVERS NOT UNDER THE TRIAL / SERVICE. THERE IS A HUGE DISCLAIMER THAT SAYS IF IT IS COVERED BY THE FREE TRIAL OR NOT.

• A brain

Now for this you want to go to Amazon's AWS site

Click on 

[Image: yjol1am.png] 

and start your account creation.

Create an amazon account (or use your own amazon account) 

When you get to this page

[Image: qBS2jGd.png]

you want to click on EC2, here

[Image: X9Hu9L0.png]

and go to Launch Instances, here

[Image: nsrNwyH.png]

You can choose between Red Hat, Ubuntu, and many other choices. MAKE SURE IT HAS THIS UNDER IT!

[Image: GgEccHP.png]

For this example, I'll be using Red Hat.

You want to choose this

[Image: 4BRfTA0.png]

and choose Review and Launch.

After that you want to choose Launch.

Now, you want to generate a private key and a public key. I'm going to assume you know all about keys ect.

After this, you should have the server ready. 

If you want to use it for a site, make sure to add a new tcp rule, here

[Image: CRSL5aC.png]

on the side bar, then choose your server. 

Click on it and it should open up these options. 

[Image: 9lgcSso.png]

Click on inbound, choose Edit, and have it look like mine here

[Image: 9OLIyMn.png]

That's it! You have a brand new functioning server. Have fun!

If anyone has any trouble don't be afraid to leave a post or shoot me a pm.

EDIT: I forgot to mention you can only use 750 hours a month logged in through ssh. It's cumulative so you can have 500 hours on one and 250 on another. You'll never go past 750 in one month if you have just one server, unless you are logged in all day and night 24/7.

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